

专业扬声器技术的全球市场非常密集,数十家制造商为您提供数以千计的产品,满足每一个可以任何想到的应用。 所有这些选择的讽刺之处在于,现在比以往任何时候都更难决定什么是适合你的。

如果您的业务依赖于您根据实际利益、商业利益和运营优势来选择产品的能力,那么您需要超越产品,进入到员工和公司本身。 请花几分钟时间来了解一下是什么使Outline(欧浪)非常特殊.

Why Choose Outline?

The global marketplace for professional loudspeaker technology is very crowded, with dozens of manufacturers offering you thousands of products for every imaginable application. The irony of all this choice is that it's

actually harder now than ever before to decide what's right for you.

If your business relies on your ability to choose products based on practical, commercial and operational advantages then you need to look beyond the products and into the people and companies themselves. Please take a few minutes to learn a little about what makes Outline very special…



Outline(欧浪)为演唱会声响和专业音频市场开发,设计和制造大、中、小规格的扬声器以及创新的FPGA-based和相关的技术。 这就是我们所做的,没有别的。

本公司由有远见的设计师兼工程师Guido Noselli创立,每天仍由其员工(包括他的两个儿子)拥有100%的股份。 没有机构股东,这意味着企业在任何时候都完全在他们的掌管之下。 当您投资Outline(欧浪)产品时,您将成为Outline(欧浪)家族的一部分,包括在需要的时候与做主的人取得直接联系。

我们所有的精力都集中在创造出符合人们和企业需求的产品上,这些人和企业都凭借扩声产品作为其业务生意。 我们是一个专门的B2B运营公司,我们对运营的市场有着深刻的理解,基于这个理解使我们了解所有的设计。

像每个公司一样,Outline(欧浪)的核心就是我们的员工,他们中的许多人已经和我们一起工作了几十年。 他们的知识和经验,遍及公司的每一个部分,都是我们"关键"的一部分。

Who We Are

We are an Italian company founded in 1973 and located in Lombardy region, at the heart of the most economically and technologically advanced part of Europe (learn more).

Outline develops, engineers and manufactures large, medium, and small format loudspeakers as well as innovative FPGA-based and related technologies for the concert sound and pro audio markets. That is all we do, nothing else.

Founded by visionary designer and engineer Guido Noselli, the company is still 100% owned by people (including his two sons) who work within it every day. There are no institutional shareholders which means that the business is completely under their control at all times. When you invest in Outline products you become part of the Outline family, including access to the people who call the shots if you need it.

All our energies are directed into creating products that meet the demands of people and companies who rely on sound reinforcement products for their businesses. We are a dedicated B2B operation who have a profound understanding of the markets in which we operate, an understanding which informs all our designs.

Like every company, the heart of Outline is our people, many of whom have worked with us for decades. Their knowledge and experience, throughout every part of the company, is part of our 'secret'.


我们设计和生产专业用途的多种类型的扬声器。 我们努力做到完全独立,因为这是我们保证我们只专注为所能做最佳产品的唯一方法。 研发、设计、测试和生产过程的每一个环节都由我们自己的团队在公司内部进行操作。



What We Do

We design and manufacture many types of loudspeaker for professional applications. We strive to be completely self-contained because that's the only way we can guarantee to retain our focus on simply making the best products we possibly can. Every element of the research, design, testing and manufacturing process is handled in-house by our own teams.

We manufacture the majority of the individual components we use and modify many others to our specifications (for example the diaphragms of the compression drivers).

Outline's philosophy, products, support and service is delivered around the world via our network of international distributors and dealers, every one of whom is part of our extended family.






在过去的四十年里,我们创造了许多独特的Outline(欧浪)产品的专有设计。 其中包括V-Power前挡板概念(自复制但从未比得上),专利D.P.R.W.G. 双抛物面反射波导有助于为我们的线源系统提供非凡的功率,并且是最新的Outline(欧浪)独家设计 - 全新的NEWTON,一种全功能、FPGA-based的"Multi Media Nucleus",采用技术将视听系统融合到一个新的水平。

所有产品都是在意大利生产的,由我们的团队掌管。 这种对于工程细节的专注的付产品之一就是所有Outline(欧浪)系统在日常使用中与世界各地的巡回演出公司合作,而从来没有一个出现过单个传感器故障。有多少制造商家可以这么说呢?

我们还生产音频测量和分析工具,包括独特的ET250-3D电子转盘。 这是最初于1990年设计的,仅供我们自己使用,但随后进入几乎所有专业扬声器制造商以及许多变频器制造商、大学、电子和科技公司的研究部门。另一个例子是Globe Source Radiator,一个独特和宝贵的声学测量工具。

我们也为各种应用开发我们自己的软件。 在巡回演出,我们的Openarray3D程序被认为是一个直观、强大和准确的工具,可以极大地提高Outline(欧浪)线源系统的在线效率。 公司内部还创建了各种应用程序,以允许通过基于网络的门户控制大量的欧浪设备。

我们不搞夸张或推销者的所谓"万应灵药"的销售。 我们发布的所有产品都按照我们的规范执行,这使得全球的客户可以充满信心地指定、购买和配置Outline(欧浪)产品。

Technology, Design And Manufacturing

All our loudspeaker product designs meet three very basic principles:

They are 100% Outline, developed in-house by our own people

They meet specific, real-world operational or applicational needs

They adhere absolutely to the known physical principles and laws that govern the propagation of sound

Over the last four decades we have created numerous proprietary designs which are unique to Outline products. These include the V-Power front baffle concept (since copied but never equalled), the patented D.P.R.W.G. Dual Parabolic Reflective Waveguide which helps gives our line-source systems their extraordinary power and the very latest in a long line of Outline exclusive designs – the all-new NEWTON, a full-featured, FPGA-based 'Multi Media Nucleus' that takes technology convergence for audio-visual systems to the next level.

Everything is made here in Italy, by our team and under our control. One of the by-products of this attention to engineering detail is that of all the Outline systems in daily use with touring sound companies around the world, not one has ever suffered a single transducer failure. How many other manufacturers can say that?

We also manufacture audio measurement and analysis tools, including the unique ET250-3D Electronic Turntable. This was designed originally in 1990 and only for our own use, but which has subsequently found its way into the research departments of virtually every professional loudspeaker manufacturer as well as many transducer makers, universities, electronics and technology companies. Another example is the Globe Source Radiator, a unique and invaluable tool for acoustic measurement.

We also develop our own software for various applications. In the world of touring sound, ourOpenarray3D program is recognised as an intuitive, powerful and accurate tool that contributes greatly to the on-the-road efficiency of Outline line-source systems. Various apps are also created in-house to allow control of numerous Outline devices via web-based portals.

We don't engage in hyperbole or the selling of 'snake oil'. Everything we ship performs exactly as per our specifications, which allows clients all over the world to specify, purchase and deploy Outline products with total confidence.

独特的Outline(欧浪) - 体现自1973年以来的意大利精神

自多个世纪以来,意大利已经培养了富有远见卓识的人 - 因为富有远见卓识的人是认为一般是不够的,而要追求特别不寻常的。 在音乐、美食、葡萄栽培、汽车设计、时尚、文化等诸多领域,意大利风情是使我们与众不同的特质。

Antonio Stradivari就是一个很好的例子,这位传奇小提琴家的小提琴和中提琴是有史以来最有价值和最受追捧的古典乐器之一。 如今,在他逝世近三个世纪之后,即使采用最新的制造工艺和技术,他所设定的标准仍然是无与伦比的,为什么? 仅仅因为大师们添加了一些独一无二的东西,这个因素只存在于他的设计、触摸、才能或者天赋的无形元素之中。

在伟大的Antonio Stradivari与尖端扬声器系统制造商之间,这种平行可能并不明显,但实际上在那里。 像他一样,我们使用广泛可利用的材料和组件,但是最终产品远不止各组件的总和,仅仅是因为我们所做的事情 - 同样强度和不断的完美追求,拒绝接受 "足够好",当然也是意大利风格 - 让我们Outline(欧浪)独一无二的东西。

Uniquely Outline – Embodying The Italian Spirit Since 1973

For many centuries Italy has produced visionaries – people who produce the extraordinary because the ordinary is just not good enough. In music, cuisine, viticulture, automotive design, fashion, culture and many other fields, the Italian flair is the special ingredient that sets us apart.

A perfect example is Antonio Stradivari, the legendary luthier whose violins and violas are among the most valuable and sought-after classical instruments ever made. Today, almost three centuries after his passing, the standards he set remain unequalled even with the very latest manufacturing techniques and technology – why? Simply because the maestro added something that was unique to him, a factor that only exists in his designs, a touch, a gift, an intangible element of his genius that sets his instruments apart.

The parallel is perhaps not immediately obvious between the great Stradivari and a manufacturer of cutting-edge loudspeaker systems, but in fact it is there. Like him we use materials and components that are widely available, but the end product is so much more than a sum of its parts, simply because of the things that only we do – the same intensity and restless search for perfection, a refusal to accept 'good enough' and of course the same Italian flair – the things that make us uniquely Outline.